In the aftermath of all of the drama that went down at Chris Brown‘s house, it’s clear that not a lot of foresight went into the situation, especially on behalf of the instigator herself, Baylee Curran. Sign Up For Our Newsletter! While Chris Brown is certainly at fault for just allowing this random chick to […]


“Rushing things can ruin things” – Rob Hill, Sr. Progress sometimes requires patience. It’s okay to take your time. Rushing things can ruin things. Before you take action on anything in life, make sure you have thought it through and feel confident about your decision.


Life is the sum of all your choices. ~Albert Camus Everything you have and every experience you’ve attracted into your life are a result of the choices you’ve made. BEFORE you act, understand that you will have to live with your decisions; good and bad. Choose the things that empower you, not the things that […]