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I don’t know if anyone else does this, but I often walk around the supermarket looking for inspiration. It seems weird but it works for me. I think of a recipe while I’m walking around and before you know it I’m jumping on my phone doing research. Well it happened recently (yesterday lol), my initial intention was to make loaded chicken nachos and I passed by an aisle end cap that had all the items to make chili. I thought to myself “hmmm chicken chili?” Well I grabbed all the items I needed and headed to checkout.


Once I got home I ended up changing this from the traditional thick chili-like consistency to more of a soup, so in this recipe you will use more stock/broth than usual. If you would prefer chili in the traditional sense, I would just cut back the amount of liquid you decide to use. I also love spice so I added some cayenne pepper in at the end but it’s totally optional if you don’t want it spicy. Another option would be to add some of your favorite sausage to this soup.

Click Here For Recipe!