Gospel singer Shirley Caesar has the internet going nuts with everyone doing their own versions of the remix to her 20-year-old sermon.


“Adversity can destroy you or define you.” – Anon No matter what challenges you face in life, your ATTITUDE will determine your outcome. Remember, its not about what happens to you but how you REACT to what happens to you. A positive attitude can turn darkness into light. Tough times are designed to define you […]


“Look back and thank God, look forward and trust God.” – Author Unknown Whenever you feel yourself starting to worry, remind yourself of how you overcame challenges in the past. Remember, there’s always a higher power worker for you. Look back and thank God, look forward and trust God. Everything is going to be alright…


“Any man can win when things are going his way. It’s the man who overcomes adversity that is the true champion.” – Jock Ewing Remember, challenges aren’t designed to make you bitter but better. No matter what you’re going through, don’t give up. Instead, reach out to the people who love you and remind yourself […]


“Stars can’t shine without darkness.” – Author Unknown Success is not determined by the obstacles you face but by how you overcome them. Don’t be discouraged when you’re faced with adversity. Instead, be grateful because each challenge is an opportunity to grow and shine brighter


Without challenge there is no change. – Author Unknown Change is not always comfortable but it is necessary for growth. So, don’t be discouraged when things get tough.Challenges are often a sign that you’re on the right path.

Once in a while, there are certain days that stick out as being especially trying. Today happens to suit that description, as this morning, walking through the crowds and the moving-sidewalk mentality of a big city was not working for me. When you feel like even the cashier is impatient as you pull coins out […]