Would you let others discipline your child? #ReecQOTD Click the question to join the conversation on Facebook Live! How Do You Feel After Watching Officer BEAT This Woman! #ReecQOTD – Video WARNING GRAPHIC Video   Do Women REALLY Want To Be Treated Like a Lady? #ReecQOTD   If he buys you food is it considered cheating? #ReecQOTD […]


Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishments.” Jim Rohn Your level of discipline will be the difference between what you want and what you have. Don’t let distractions keep you from your dream. If you’re on a diet, put the cupcake down! If you’re on a budget, stop buying things you don’t need. Remember, […]

One mom from Alabama corrected her daughters for cutting up at a movie theater, publicly apologized for the inconvenience, and won the respect of parents…


“Discipline is the bridge between dreams and reality.” – Jim Rohn The difference between what you want and what you get all depends on where you place your focus. Remember, your level of success is determined by your level of discipline. Give your full attention to the goal and you WILL accomplish it!


Most of the shadows of this life are caused by our standing in our own sunshine. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson Its easy to blame your worries on others but the truth is: the only person who can keep you from being happy is…YOU! Doubt, lack of discipline, laziness and negative thinking can block you from becoming […]