During a recent interview with NBC news anchor Matt Lauer George, former president George W. Bush admits that, more than anything else, it's a remark by Kanye West that ranks as one of the worst moments of his presidency.

Admitting a massive cover-up, a former New Orleans police supervisor pleaded guilty to a federal obstruction charge on Wednesday, confessing that he participated in a conspiracy to justify the shooting of six unarmed people after Hurricane Katrina.

Lil Wayne on New Orleans & prasing Haiti: "It's amazing what's been done for Haiti, but I also think it's amazing what hasn't been for New Orleans." What do you think about his statement?

In a groundbreaking decision, a <strong>federal judge</strong> ruled late Wednesday that the <strong>Army Corps of Engineers'</strong> mismanagement of maintenance at the <strong>Mississippi River-Gulf Outlet</strong> was directly responsible for flood damage in <strong>St. Bernard Parish</strong> and the <strong>Lower 9th Ward</strong> after <strong>Hurricane Katrina</strong>.<!--more-->