Your life may be the only Bible some people read. ~Author Unknown Never underestimate the power of your influence. Everything you say and do is an opportunity to enhance someone else’s life. You are blessed to be a blessing and your life may be the only “Bible” that some people will ever read…


The question isn’t who is going to let me; it’s who is going to stop me.  ~Ayn Rand There is no one or no thing that can stop a determined mind. When you FOCUS on your goals and IGNORE the negativity, there’s NOTHING you can’t accomplish!


What you don’t see with your eyes, don’t witness with your mouth.  ~Jewish Proverb Physical wounds can heal, but words can leave a scar that will last a lifetime. Gossip is useless and you should never repeat anything you are not willing to sign your name to.


If you have time to whine and complain about something then you have the time to do something about it. ~Anthony J. D’Angelo Complaining only makes your situation worse. The time you spend whinning about what went wrong is the same time you could use to improve your life. Invest your energy in the solution, […]


We must embrace pain and burn it as fuel for our journey. ~Kenji Miyazawa In life, we will all experience some kind of painful situation. The important thing is that we don’t allow our pain to defeat us. Painful experiences can either keep you down or help you grow and move forward. Embrace pain and […]


Check me out every weekday at 10:35am for your Midday Motivation. A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle. – Italian Proverb. Keep reading for more of today’s message!


Listen to Maria More every weekday at 10:30am for your Midday Motivation! Stay away from people who gossip because you never know what they may be saying about you when you're not around. Check out today's motivational message here.


Listen to Maria More every weekday at 10:30am for your Midday Motivation! Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal. ~Henry Ford. Read more of today’s motivational message…


Listen to Maria More every weekday at 10:30am for your Midday Motivation! When you avoid a problem, you don't have to worry about suffering the MORE to read today's Midday Motivation.


Listen to Maria More every weekday at 10:30 am for encouraging words inside the Midday Motivation! You ever wonder why “bad things” just keep on happening? Today’s Midday Motivation may give you a little insight…


Need a little encouragement? Check out Maria More every weekday at 10:30am for your Midday Motivation!


Listen to Maria More every weekday at 10:30am for your Midday Motivation. "Loved people Love People. Hurt people Hurt people." Today's quote is about handling your anger. Click MORE to read today's Midday Motivation!