“Don’t aim to be better than someone else, aim to be better than the person you were yesterday.” –MT Collins If you want to grow you have to focus on your OWN garden. Don’t get distracted comparing yourself to someone else. Instead, be your own competition!


“Don’t tell people about your plans. Show them your results.” – Anon Talk is cheap but hard work speaks for itself. Don’t waste time bragging about what “you gone do.” Instead, use that energy to produce results. Remember, success is not about what you plan to do but what you actually get done. Don’t tell […]


“The secret to getting ahead is getting started.” – Mark Twain Don’t get so distracted dreaming that it prevents you from doing. Hoping for success isn’t enough, you have to put in work! Remember, progress is all about forward movement. You’ll never get what you want by standing still. If you want to get ahead, you […]


“Never give up on something you really want. ” – MT Collins Waiting for what you want is hard but the pain of regret is even worse. Remember, doubt creates a wall between you and your dream. Don’t let stumbling blocks in the road discourage you. Instead, continue to pursue your dreams with confidence. Hard […]


“When you say yes to others, make sure you’re not saying no to yourself.” – Author Unknown People pleasing can cause you to lose control of your own life. Remember, you cannot be everything to everyone. While it is important to help others, it’s equally important that you don’t lose your happiness in the process.


“Worrying is like asking God for something he can’t give you…” – M.T.Collins Worry never produces anything positive. As a matter of fact, it will distract you from seeing the good in your life. Remember, the more you worry, the more you empower the things you fear. Don’t waste time worrying about what hasn’t happened. […]


  “With great pain comes great change.” – Author Unknown If you’re feeling overwhelmed, remind yourself of where your strength comes from. A higher power is always working for you. Remember, with great pain comes great change. Obstacles are an opportunity for growth and we acquire strength through every struggle.


“The pain of regret is worse than failure.” – M.T.Collins Don’t let the fear of failure intimidate you from going after your dream. It’s better to say “oops” than “what if?” Remember, the only time you are guaranteed to fail is if you don’t try. If you want to succeed, you have to start by […]


“Don’t let a stumble in the road be the end of your journey.” – Author Unknown Remember, the things worth having usually don’t come easy. Often times, the closer you are to your goal, the harder it gets. So don’t be discouraged when you hit a bump in the road. Instead, persevere and push through […]


“Every obstacle is an opportunity for growth.” – M.T. Collins A mountain may block your view but it will also give you it’s back to climb. Remember, challenges aren’t designed to make you bitter, but better. When you’re faced with a problem, don’t give up! Every obstacle is an opportunity for growth.


“If you are persistent, you will get it, if you are consistent, you will keep it.” – Author Unknown Remember, growth is an infinite process and there’s always room to improve. Reaching the top doesn’t mean you stop working. As a matter of fact, you have to work even harder to maintain your success. Don’t […]


“Struggles aren’t designed to destroy you, they are made to strengthen you.” – M.T.Collins When something bad happens, you can let it destroy you or strengthen you. Always remember that success is not determined by what happens to you, but how you respond to what happens to you. Your struggles develop your strength. Treat every […]