“You can’t live a positive life with a negative mind.” – Author Unknown Remember, your thoughts develop your words and your words create your world. When you dwell on the negative, your life produces the same. Instead of worrying about what you DON’T want, focus on the things you want to attract into your life.


Your focus determines your reality – Author Unknown Every thought is a seed with the potential to grow into your reality. The more you focus on something (whether good or bad), the more it grows. Give your attention to the positive things you want to attract in your life and ignore everything else. Remember, when […]


“A Change In Behavior Begins With A Change In Your Mind” – Author Unknown Every action (whether good or bad) begins with a thought. Thoughts lead to emotion and emotion leads to manifestation. Stop worrying about the worst that could happen. Instead, focus your thoughts and energy on all things positive. If you want to improve […]


Every thought is a seed with the potential to grow into your reality – Anon The things you think about the most determine your emotions then those emotions develop into your reality. If you want to change your world, you gotta start by changing your thoughts. The state of your life is a reflection of […]


A loving person lives in a loving world. A hostile person lives in a hostile world; everyone you meet is your mirror. ~K.S.Keyes You ever heard of an the old saying: “It takes one to know one?” As cliche as it may sound, its true. Even though its easier to blame everyone else, “the problem” […]


What you give your attention to grows. –Anon You create the world you live in through your thoughts. The more you think about the negative, the more you will suffer in a negative world. Sometimes happiness is simply of matter of changing the way you see things. Remember, every thought is a seed and the […]


“What you focus on…grows” ~ Anon Be careful what you give your attention to, because the thing you think about the most is often what you will attract into your life. When you complain, you attract more things to complain about. If you’re wondering why you can’t find a good mate, its probably because you’re […]