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During his recent three-hour and 86-tweet Twitter rant, Kanye West mentioned that he may contribute to the live action film of the classic cartoon The Jetsons, and it’s true. Instead of handling the music, Yeezy is being considered for the role of Creative Director.

This movie has been in development for several years, but it’s still moving forward. According to producer Denise Di Novi…

We heard that he knew we were working on the Jetsons. He reached out and said he’s a huge Jetsons fan. There are a lot of Jetsons fanatics out there, especially people that are into either futuristic science or design. He was interested in creatively brainstorming what we were doing with the movie and what ideas he might have. It was a really friendly, preliminary conversation.

Read more about The Jetsons movie and get the rest of Di Novi’s comments right here.


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