About @IAmGWoods

The Extension is a non-profit, community-supported organization serving Cobb County and the entire metropolitan Atlanta area. Our mission is to facilitate a transformation that empowers chemically dependent men and women to become sober, accountable members of society and to serve as a recovery resource for the community.

Since its inception, the Single Parent Alliance & Resource Center (SPARC) has worked diligently to improve the lives of single parent families in its community. SPARC is dedicated to supporting single parents in their efforts to raise happy, healthy, well adjusted, successful children.

The Breast Cancer Survivors' Network provides assistance, education and positive support services, before during and after the diagnosis for treatment and recovery of breast cancer.

Rihanna has revealed details about her upcoming collaboration with Nicki Minaj. Click here for details.

Furniture Bank (FBMA) is the only agency in metro Atlanta area whose mission is to provide free furniture to people in need. In addition FBMA is the only organization providing individuals and families in need with access to a free warehouse for storage and trucks to pick-up furniture.

BBBSMA strives to support at-risk youth, children of incarcerated parents and children in need of guidance and mentoring. The children we serve range in age from 6 to 18 years old. Children in our program show improved academic performance and higher graduation rates, which impacts the community as a whole with fewer children dropping out of school and more entering the work force and creating a positive influence for other children.

Blessed Angels/Help Feed Our People is a small Christian organization that is dedicated to helping the homeless community, targeting downtown Atlanta. We rely on donations and our personal resources to make each Sunday a successful event.

Youth VIBE (Vision. Industry. Business. Empowerment) supports high school students in DeKalb and Fulton Co. with free mentoring, tutoring, SAT prep classes, character enrichment and entrepreneurial skills.

Foreverfamily, Inc. targets children ages 6-18 with a parent in prison, who are statistically more likely to go to prison than their peers. As a result of their parents' incarceration, these children experience tremendous amounts of trauma, anxiety, guilt, shame and fear

AiJalon Inc. Adult Day Health exists to provide an Alzheimer's specialty day health center. As specialists in this field we are able to meet the needs of those who suffer from Alzheimer's and dementing illnesses. Our second focus and passion is helping the caregiver through education and support. Because of our program, caregivers and participants are able to maintain a healthier lifestyle.

Nicki Minaj made her first appearance on Late Night With David Letterman as a lead performer last night to perform her new single "Check it Out" with will.i.am.

The mission of The Center Helping Obesity In Children End Successfully, Inc. (CHOICES) is to be a parent and child resource center for the clinically diagnosed and at-risk children of obesity. The Center promotes weight management and lifestyle change through nutrition education, peer socialization, physical activity and community involvement.