For days, people have been wondering who shouted out "Haay, Michelle" to the First Lady at last week's Black History Month celebration.

News & Gossip

With a shimmy and a shake, 106-year-old Virginia McLaurin opened her arms wide and gave the Leader of the Free World, a Black man, a huge hug.


While hosting a reception for Black History Month on Thursday, President Barack Obama greeted the crowd with First Lady Michelle Obama by his side, and of course, he brought the jokes.

Michelle Obama calls out the POTUS for not studying that hard in high school.

“Let me tell you, there are three things that are certain in life: death, taxes and Michelle is not running for president,” Obama said. “That I can tell you.”

Mrs. Obama may not be interested in being President but she'll continue to be involved in her health and educational initiatives.

Burn victim, who received an International Women of Courage Award from First Lady Michelle Obama, is now the new face of a fashion campaign.

Michelle Obama wears one of her favorite designers to the 2016 State Of The Union Address. Nevertheless, this is what really had the crowd talking.

Here are some of First Lady Michelle Obama‘s best looks over the years at President Barack Obama‘s State of the Union Address, the speech in which he maps out his goals for the year. For the president’s final address, guests from all walks of life will join the First Lady in her box, including a community college […]