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The Power of Rape and Sexual Assault

Rape. Does the word send a chill down your spine? It’s cold. Hard. Rough. The worst part of rape is that it usually has nothing to do with sexual gratification; it relates more to power.

It hardly phases us when big, powerful politicians and the like are swept up into some kind of sex scandal. It’s almost as if we expect it. Elliot Spitzer, Bill Clinton, Anthony Weiner, Dominique Strauss-Kahn–it seems to be a trend.

The latest man of power to have the finger pointed at him isn’t a political big shot, he’s a rapper who recently released his debut album, Finally Famous. What an interesting album title because now that Big Sean is finally famous, it seems he’s ready for celebrity scandal right of passage.

Allegedly, Big Sean and Willie Hansboro were both accused of sexual misconduct from a female concert goer a few days ago. The two were charged with misdemeanor counts of forcible touching, unlawful imprisonment and sexual abuse and eventually released on $500 bail.

Where there are allegations, there are two sides to a story. Usually the victim has a hard time being vocal about their allegations because of shame, guilt or the fear that they won’t be believed. Being sexually assaulted by a public figure of any sort is a slippery slope. Coming out about your allegations could make you look like an opportunist–using your allegations to gain recognition. So there’s torture in opening up and accusing the person that hurt you. No one man should have all that power in the palms of their groping hands.

Being a celebrity usually yields a ton of “Get Out Of Jail Free” cards, but just because you feel you have the power, doesn’t mean you should abuse it by abusing women sexually. Sex is beautiful between two mutually attracted lovers–it’s damn near spiritual. But when a good thing goes bad, everyone loses their power. The victim will forever feel like a victim and the aggressor loses clout. Once power is abused, it becomes evil.

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