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Donald Trump's 'Crippled America' Book Press Conference

Source: Noam Galai / Getty


Budget: Government must cut spending more.

Climate Change: It is a hoax.

Entitlements: Do not cut Social Security or Medicare benefits. Grow the economy to save those programs.

Gun Control: Limit restrictions on guns. Ban some assault weapons and extend the waiting period for purchase.

Immigration and Refugees: Deport all undocumented individuals. Freeze green cards. Ban all Muslims from entering the United States, at least temporarily.

Obamacare: Repeal it. Replace it.

Social Issues: Abortion should be limited. Marriage is between a man and a woman and should be defined state by state.

Taxes: Fewer tax brackets with lower tax rates.

Iran and Israel: Walk away from nuclear talks. Increase sanctions.

Islamic State and Iraq: Send U.S. ground troops to target oil-rich areas.

Read the full explanation of his issues here.

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Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton

Source: The Washington Post / Getty


Education: Make public college debt-free. Fund universal pre-K. Against No Child Left Behind. Position unknown on Common Core.

Guns: Ban several types of assault weapons. Repeal protections for gun makers. Create a comprehensive background check system and close loopholes.

Healthcare: Give the government a role is setting insurance rates. Expand Obamacare but do not attempt to create a universal healthcare system now.

Immigration: Continue DACA and DAPA programs to waive deportation and expand them. Give undocumented residents a path to legal status.

Jobs and Wages: $275 billion stimulus plan. Tax credits for jobs. Raise federal minimum wage to $12 an hour.

Marijuana: “Wait and see” on overall legalization.

Social Issues: Abortion should be legal. So should same-sex marriage.

Taxes: A series of targeted tax credits for the middle class. Raise capital gains taxes.

Israel: Work toward a two-state solution. Do not necessarily freeze settlement building.

Iran: Support framework for nuclear deal. Continue diplomacy efforts and some sanctions.

Islamic State: No boots on the ground. Use regional troops.

Trade: Clinton announced last year that she does not support the Trans-Pacific Partnership as it currently stands. The deal — the largest trade agreement in history — cuts trade barriers, protects multinational corporations’ intellectual properties and sets labor and environmental standards.

Get full descriptions and breakdown of her issues here.

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GOP Presidential Candidate Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) Gives Foreign Policy Address

Source: Bryan Thomas / Getty


The budget: Balance it. Prioritize defense.

Climate change: It is real. It is not caused by man.

Obamacare: Repeal it. Replace it with tax credits and fewer regulations.

The Internet: Oppose net neutrality.

Immigration: Secure the border, then work towards a legal status and possible path to citizenship. More vetting for refugees.

Social issues: The Supreme Court decision on gay marriage is the law of the land. Ban abortion after 20 weeks. Marriage is between a man and a woman.

Taxes: Cut corporate taxes to 25 percent. Reform the tax code. Cap economic regulations.

Cuba: Block the Obama administration’s “normalization”

Iran: Toughen sanctions. Scrap proposed nuclear deal.

Islamic State: Aid local forces in Syria and Iraq.

Read the full explanation of his issues here.

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Democratic Presidential Candidates Attend Iowa Jefferson-Jackson Dinner

Source: Scott Olson / Getty


Campaign finance: Limit corporate and interest-group spending in campaigns.

Climate change: Charge companies for carbon emissions.

Education: Free, universal preschool. Free tuition at public colleges and universities.

Federal Reserve and banks: Break up big banks. Open up the Fed.

Guns: Ban assault weapons. Repeal law protecting some gun manufacturers. No federal handgun waiting period.

Healthcare: Launch universal, government-provided health care.

Immigration: Offer path to citizenship. Waive some deportations now.

Taxes: Raise income tax rates for those making over $250,000. Tax capital gains the same as dividends from work.

Iraq, Islamic State and Afghanistan: Opposed the Iraq war. Calls for troop withdrawal as soon as possible.

Iran and Israel: Supports current deal with Iran. Critical of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to Congress.

Read the full explanation of his issues here.

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Ted Cruz

Source: PAUL J. RICHARDS/AFP/Getty Images / Getty


The Budget and debt: Mandate a balanced budget.

Corporations: End corporate income tax. End some programs like the Export-Import bank and federal subsidies for renewable fuels.

Common Core: End it.

Immigration: Block any current effort that lets undocumented immigrants legally remain in the U.S.

The Internet: Do not tax access to the Internet and block “net neutrality.”

Obamacare: Repeal it.

Social Issues: Only the four states specifically named in the Supreme Court decision on gay marriage must abide by the ruling. In general, states should be allowed to define “marriage.” There should be strict limits on abortion.

Taxes and the IRS: Move toward a flat tax and abolish the IRS.

Iran: Increase and toughen sanctions. End current nuclear talks until Congress approves the outlines of a deal.

Islamic State: Don’t send U.S. ground troops, yet. But use overpowering force otherwise, including “carpet-bombing.”

Read the full explanation of his issues here.

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Ben Carson Holds Caucus Night Party In Iowa

Source: Stephen Maturen / Getty


Climate change: The climate change debate is “irrelevant.” Temperature change is cyclical.

Education: No federally-determined standards. We need more school choice.

Guns: Few limits on ownership except for the mentally ill or those convicted of violent crime.

Health care: Replace the Affordable Care Act with health savings accounts.

Immigration: Allow undocumented residents access to a national guest worker program if they leave the country first.

Marijuana: There are some benefits to medical marijuana. Legalizing for recreational purpose raises concern.

Social issues: The Supreme Court ruling on gay marriage is the law of the land. Ban most abortions after 20 weeks.

Taxes: Establish a flat tax. Eliminate the IRS.

Iran and Israel: Congress must be involved in Iran deal. U.S. should listen to and consider Netanyahu’s words.

Islamic State: The U.S. should step up its efforts to destroy the Islamic State militant group. Do not “tie” the military’s hands.

Read the full explanation of his issues here.

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First In The Nation Republican Leadership Summit Held In New Hampshire

Source: Darren McCollester / Getty


Climate Change: Climate change is real. The EPA should not regulate emissions.

Criminal Justice: Less prison time for nonviolent offenders. Focus on rehabilitation and treatment.

Education: Continue Common Core. Cut education spending.

Immigration: Allow undocumented immigrants to stay in the country legally. A path to citizenship is not preferable but may be part of compromise.

Obamacare: Keep the federal Medicaid expansion. Repeal and replace the rest of the Affordable Healthcare Act.

Social issues: It’s time to move on from the same-sex marriage debate. Ban abortions after 20 weeks, with an exception if the life of the mother is in danger.

Taxes: Cut income and corporate taxes. Close some loopholes. Raise other taxes, including a state tax on fracking.

Unions and workers: Limit union powers, especially for public employees.

Iran and Israel: Iran deal raises concerns.

Islamic State and Iraq: Put U.S. boots on the ground to fight ISIS.

Read the full explanation of his issues here.

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US Green Party Presidential Candidate Dr

Source: PAUL J. RICHARDS / Getty


A Green New Deal: Create millions of jobs by transitioning to 100% clean renewable energy by 2030, and investing in public transit, sustainable agriculture, and conservation.

Jobs as a Right: Create living-wage jobs for every American who needs work, replacing unemployment offices with employment offices. Advance workers rights to form unions, achieve workplace democracy, and keep a fair share of the wealth they create.

End Poverty: Guarantee economic human rights, including access to food, water, housing, and utilities, with effective anti-poverty programs to ensure every American a life of dignity.

Health Care as a Right: Establish an improved “Medicare For All” single-payer public health insurance program to provide everyone with quality health care, at huge savings.

Education as a Right: Abolish student debt to free a generation of Americans from debt servitude. Guarantee tuition-free, world-class public education from pre-school through university. End high stakes testing and public school privatization.

A Just Economy: Set a $15/hour federal minimum wage. Break up “too-big-to-fail” banks and democratize the Federal Reserve. Reject gentrification as a model of economic development. Support development of worker and community cooperatives and small businesses. Make Wall Street, big corporations, and the rich pay their fair share of taxes. Create democratically run public banks and utilities. Replace corporate trade agreements with fair trade agreements.

Protect Mother Earth: Lead on a global treaty to halt climate change. End destructive energy extraction: fracking, tar sands, offshore drilling, oil trains, mountaintop removal, and uranium mines. Protect our public lands, water supplies, biological diversity, parks, and pollinators. Label GMOs, and put a moratorium on GMOs and pesticides until they are proven safe. Protect the rights of future generations.

Freedom and Equality: End police brutality, mass incarceration and institutional racism within our justice system. Expand women’s rights, protect LGBT people from discrimination, defend indigenous rights and lands, and create a welcoming path to citizenship for immigrants. Protect the free Internet, replace drug prohibition with harm reduction, and legalize marijuana/hemp.

Justice for All: Restore our Constitutional rights, terminate unconstitutional surveillance and unwarranted spying, end persecution of government and media whistleblowers, close Guantanamo, abolish secret kill lists, and repeal indefinite detention without charge or trial.

Peace and Human Rights: Establish a foreign policy based on diplomacy, international law, and human rights. End the wars and drone attacks, cut military spending by at least 50% and close the 700+ foreign military bases that are turning our republic into a bankrupt empire. Stop U.S. support and arms sales to human rights abusers, and lead on global nuclear disarmament.

Empower the People: Abolish corporate personhood. Protect voters’ rights by establishing a constitutional right to vote. Enact electoral reforms that break the big money stranglehold and create truly representative democracy: public campaign financing, ranked-choice voting, proportional representation, and open debates.

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GOP Presidential Candidates Debate In Orlando Ahead Of Florida Straw Poll

Source: Mark Wilson / Getty


Abolish the IRS

Restore the 4th Amendment

Downsize Government

Legalize Marijuana

Broaden the number of participants in the Presidential Debates

Provide Equal Marriage

Protect the Second Amendment

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Who Are The 2016 Presidential Candidates And What Are The Issues They Stand On?  was originally published on