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Previously on Power Book II: Ghost, Riq, and Effie linked back up and broke up again. Brayden isn’t feeling his roommate at the moment. Jabari is using Riq’s life sorry to resurrect his writing career. Cane uses the G.T.G to try and take out Riq and, in the process, almost ruined Zeke’s basketball career. This week’s penultimate lesson sees Riq have to accept becoming something he doesn’t want to be.

The Fallout of From Cane’s Failed Hit Job On Riq

'Power Book II: Ghost' Episode 9, "Monster" Recap

Source: Power Book II: Ghost / Starz

Stansfield is on edge after discovering the dead G.T.G (Get That Guap) member’s body who tried to kill Riq for Cane. 2-Bit is hounding Riq for $50K saving him from the hitman, and now Ghost 2.0 has to find a way to pay him. Like when we really want to get something, but we know there are bills due, Riq figures to get 2-Bit his cash, someone is not getting paid.

The question is who? Riq first calls MacLean and asks him if he could skip paying him this week because he has to help his grandmother financially with Yaz. Davis knows Riq is lying but tells him he can forego payment this week and can pay him the following week, but he will cancel the expert witness he had lined up for Tasha’s case. Riq falls for the jig and tells Maclean to forget that idea, and he will figure something else out.

Meanwhile, we head to Professor’s favorite place to teach lessons, her bedroom. After his traumatic experience where he almost saw his promising basketball career come to an end. Being his counselor, Carrie decides to comfort him the best way she knows how, by sleeping with him. When she wakes up, she notices the bruises on Zeke’s body and inquires about them. Zeke is a bit hesitant to tell his older bae what exactly happened that night. Still, after some convincing, Zeke finally opens up, telling her about his traumatic experience but refuses to go to the cops.

'Power Book II: Ghost' Episode 9, "Monster" Recap

Source: Power Book II: Ghost / Starz

The conversation is interrupted when Carrie receives a text from her boss informing Carrie there is a meeting about the “accident” on campus. Zekes bounces, and Professor Milgram heads to Stansfield. The scene opens up with Detective Sam Santana (Laz Alonso) talking to Jabari, Carrie, the other white professor, and the school’s dean.

'Power Book II: Ghost' Episode 9, "Monster" Recap

Source: Power Book II: Ghost / Starz

Detective Santana wants to talk to all of the students of color on campus because the person killed was a gang banger, but Carrie and Jabari think that is a bad idea.

'Power Book II: Ghost' Episode 9, "Monster" Recap

Source: Power Book II: Ghost / Starz

Professor Milgram volunteers to have conversations with the students about the incident allowing them to speak anonymously without police present. Jabari sees an opportunity to stick his nose in the affairs and volunteers to help his ex talk to his students.

The Tejada household is also still trying to get it together as well. Last week we saw Monet kick her favorite enforcer of the family after his selfish actions almost cost Zeke his basketball career. Monet is now relying on Dru even more now that Cane has been exiled, but Dru doesn’t want all of the responsibility thrown on him, but does he really have a choice?

'Power Book II: Ghost' Episode 9, "Monster" Recap

Source: Power Book II: Ghost / Starz

The conversation is interrupted by Riq, who stops by to pick up some product. He is taken by surprise when Dru dumps cocaine on the bar. Instead of the pills and weed he is used to pushing on campus, Monet gives him the product they took off their supplier’s delivery boy after they killed him. Monet thinks that moving the weight will help keep the heat off them. Riq isn’t sure he should be selling booger sugar at Stansfield because Cane made the block hot. Monet tells him not to utter his name again, and that is not her problem, and he will have to figure it all out.

MacLean’s Expert Witness Lie Bits Him In The Ass, Saxe Tries To Catch Tasha Slipping

'Power Book II: Ghost' Episode 9, "Monster" Recap

Source: Power Book II: Ghost / Starz

Maclean, who is always on top of his game, slipped up big time. Tasha finally gets in contact with her son following the attempt on his life. Riq ensures his mother that everything is cool and that Monet still needs him to move her weight around Stansfield, something Tasha is not too happy to hear about.

Riq tells his mother he is only using the knowledge she begrudgingly taught him to help him get the money to pay Maclean and to help with her case, blurting out that Davis told him about an expert witness taking Tasha by surprise. Still, she stores that into the back of her memory.

Following her phone call with Riq, Tasha is caught off guard when the guards pop up doing a random search of cells on her block. Tasha is panicking because she has nowhere to hide the burner, but it is saved by Lorenzo’s inside guy that gave her the phone in the first place, who tells her to give it to him. Crisis averted.

We later learn that Saxe made the surprise search happen after the DNC rep Steven Ott calls him out. Saxe tries to cover for himself, telling Ott he was doing whatever it takes to prove Tasha is the Queenpin of the St.Patrick organization. Ott is worried that Saxe just handed a cookie to Maclean to help Tasha’s case, but Saxe tells him not to worry. When Saxe walks away, Ott calls someone that we will be talking about very soon.

Tasha meets with Maclean and Paula, and she wants to be transferred to another prison, but her attorney shuts down that suggestion. Tasha then inquires about the expert witness she just learned about. Maclean tells her not to worry about it and that if she didn’t tell her about the witness, there is a perfect reason.

Tasha then manages to get a meeting with Paula. She really wants to know who this expert witness is, and at first, Paula is not biting. After Tasha uses the one thing they both have in common with each other, being used by men, Paula opens up tells her the expert witness is Dr. Epiphany. Tasha chuckles at the fact Davis has been lying to her about Epiphany revealing that she is not a doctor but a stripper.

'Power Book II: Ghost' Episode 9, "Monster" Recap

Source: Power Book II: Ghost / Starz

Paula does some digging and quickly discovers that Epiphany is Saxe’s witness. Tasha then tells Paula to ask Tariq if Epiphany has ever seen him and Slim (Kanan) together and that he needs to treat Epiphany like he did Slim. Paula has no idea that Tasha is talking in code instruction Riq to kill her.

Riq Patches Things Up With Brayden and Effie

'Power Book II: Ghost' Episode 9, "Monster" Recap

Source: Power Book II: Ghost / Starz

After beefing, Ghost and Tommy 2.0 get on the same page again. Brayden was big mad when he found out that Riq was moving coke with Effie without him. So what brought the two aspiring drug dealers back together? Cocaine. Riq asks Brayden if he can set up a meeting with Effie to help move the booger sugar at Yale because Stansfield is too hot at the moment.

Brayden sets up the meeting, and on their way there, they clear the air. Riq admits that Riley did not try to sleep with him, BUT she did drug him, and he did catch her snooping through his stuff. He also reveals that Riley is Saxe’s niece and that she is just trying to get information on him.

They finally meet up with Effie, and it’s not just a business exchange. Before handing off the drugs for the cash, he uses the moment to apologize to Effie for his behavior explaining he got caught up in a very dangerous situation.

'Power Book II: Ghost' Episode 9, "Monster" Recap

Source: Power Book II: Ghost / Starz

Effie says she doesn’t know if Riq is lying or not, but she understands. She also tells Riq he has to accept the fact, whether he likes it or not, that they are both monsters because of what they are doing.

MacLean, Saxe, and Riq Have an Epiphany

'Power Book II: Ghost' Episode 9, "Monster" Recap

Source: Power Book II: Ghost / Starz

Sticking with the Epiphany factor, both Saxe and MacLean stop by a nice home belong to one of Epiphany’s clients. She is staying there while he is out of town. Together they pitch their plan to her where she will testify against Riq. In return, they will help her out with her issue. She got caught selling coke in the strip club, so they’re betting she is willing to do anything to get out of trouble becuase she is a single parent.

'Power Book II: Ghost' Episode 9, "Monster" Recap

Source: Power Book II: Ghost / Starz

When Riq stops by, he isn’t really there to talk. He is there to finish his homework, aka silence her. While getting as much information as he can out of her, he learns that MacLean and Saxe are working together against him. He also decides not to kill Epiphany after saying she honestly wishes she had some money to get out of town. Riq then decides to give her the money he just got from Effie, which happens to be Monet’s payment, so that he can rid himself of Epiphany.

Riq tells his mother that Epiphany will no longer be an issue and that she shouldn’t worry.

Monet Presses Professor Milgram

'Power Book II: Ghost' Episode 9, "Monster" Recap

Source: Power Book II: Ghost / Starz

After a conversation with Zeke, who is understandably spooked after almost losing his basketball career, Monet wants to have a conversation with his counselor/lover. Zeke feels it’s only a matter of time that people will begin to put everything together and find out he was jumped by the G.T.G, forcing him to spill the beans to save his promising future.

'Power Book II: Ghost' Episode 9, "Monster" Recap

Source: Power Book II: Ghost / Starz

Monet tells him not to speak about the family business and ensures him that everything will be okay. Monet wastes no time and visits Carrie at her office, surprising her. She threatens the BIG HORNY counselor to reveal her sexual escapades with her nephew, ruining her career, and warns her to keep her mouth shut. Professor Milgram is clearly shaken and agrees, and Monet leaves the office.

Saxe Sets His Sights on Riq, Rico Tries To Take Out The Tejada Family

'Power Book II: Ghost' Episode 9, "Monster" Recap

Source: Power Book II: Ghost / Starz

The once happy union between Saxe and MacLean is officially dead. After Epiphany fails to show up in court, making Saxe look absolutely dumb, Saxe believes that Davis has something to do with it. They head to the bathroom to talk about what just happened. MacLean has no idea that Saxe is now under pressure to nail Tasha and Riq and him.

Saxe also used the moment to show Davis the photos the investigator snapped of them going to speak with Epiphany. That’s not the only thing Davis has to worry about either. He is approached by Paula, who wants to know exactly what is going on?

'Power Book II: Ghost' Episode 9, "Monster" Recap

Source: Power Book II: Ghost / Starz

Davis finally comes clean to Paula revealing that he had a side deal with Saxe, but it has gone bad, and now Saxe is trying to nail both him and Paula. She is not too happy to hear about storms out of the courtroom. When the judge returns, Sax drops the bomb that he is now calling Riq to the stand taking everyone by surprise.

'Power Book II: Ghost' Episode 9, "Monster" Recap

Source: Power Book II: Ghost / Starz

Tasha wastes no time and calls her son to tell him that he will be called to the stand. She also wants to know if he took care of the Epiphany issue, and he tells her not to worry when it comes to both situations. He doesn’t give his mother the clear answer she is looking for.

Riq is also on his way to meet up with Monet to break the bad news to her about the money he is supposed to give her. Riq immediately tells her he doesn’t have her money and he used it to help his mother, Monet doesn’t care and pulls a gun out on Riq.

'Power Book II: Ghost' Episode 9, "Monster" Recap

Source: Power Book II: Ghost / Starz

They are awaiting the arrival of Rico but have no idea he’s rolling up to take them out and that he has made Cane and the remaining member of the G.T.G crew the new distros. Dru and Diana are trying desperately to convince their mother not to shoot Riq. The tense moment is broken up when Rico and his crew finally show up, and they plaster the bar with a hail of bullets.

Riq manages to save Diana, Dru gets shot trying to run to the back of the bar. Monet thanks Riq for saving her daughter, but she still has beef with Riq. Cane, who found out what was going down, shows up just as Rico and his crew peeled off. He finds his mother tending to his brother. She is not too pleased to see Cane and asks where he has been? Cane takes Dru, puts him in his truck, and takes him to the hospital.

Dru will survive the ordeal, but Monet and Diana are not feeling Cane at the moment and blame him for everything that happened. Monet tells Cane to run away before she puts him down herself. A frustrated Cane meets up with Officer Ramirez, where we learn the two of them were working together to take down Riq. Cane wants to take out Riq immediately, but Ramirez says, nah. Cane decides to flip on Ramirez and kills him instead.

Meanwhile, Riq is having his own problem to deal with. He meets with Paula, who is no longer on MacLean’s team. She informs him that Saxe is calling him to the stand and that Davis can no longer represent him. Paula shows him the video that Sax had of him at the cemetery confessing to killing his father. Paula tells Riq that he needs to get a lawyer, and that’s exactly what he does by bringing Tameika back into the fold.

To kick off their client/attorney relationship off, Riq finally admits to her that he killed his father. Next week’s season finale is going to something special.

Photo: Power Book II: Ghost / Starz

‘Power Book II: Ghost’ Recap: Tariq Comes To Terms With Being The “Monster” That He Is  was originally published on