
As two separate investigations continue, led by the Justice Department and the Tulsa County District Attorney's office, more details emerge regarding Crutcher and Betty Shelby, the officer who fatally shot Crutcher in the middle of the road as he walked with his hands up towards his SUV.

Beneath viral videos and hashtags, there is a man, a brother, whose life was lost.

Dash cam recording contradicts the police officer's statements that Crutcher wouldn't show her his hands, in fact, they were up in the air.


Bobby Brown is still seeking answers "to who and what caused" the death of his daughter Bobbi Kristina.

Obama tells the Black community he would feel insulted if they don't come out in large numbers to vote for Clinton. A vote for Clinton is a vote for Obama's legacy.

The Democratic presidential nominee addressed the Black Women’s Agenda Symposium Workshop.

Plus, Nigerian president apologizes for plagiarizing President Obama's past speech and six Rikers prison guards given prison time for beating an inmate.

First Lady Michelle Obama wowed the crowd at George Mason University.

Plus, Desmond Tutu rehospitalized in South Africa for an infection and a Dallas police sergeant files lawsuit against Black Lives Matter leaders.

With the election about a month away, the rhetoric from his camp is getting more vile each day.

The first African-American and woman becomes Library of Congress' new chief executive. She's widely praised for promoting technology at libraries in low-income neighborhoods.

The plaintiffs are seeking $5 million in damages with one woman claiming she was forced to wear a wig after applying Optimum Amla Legend No-Mix, No-Lye Relaxer.