Confronting the stigma that millennial artists are less inclined to marry their craft with social issues, the 2015 BET Awards stood out as not only…

A trail date to indict the six Baltimore police officers, that were involved in the arrest and death of Freddie Gray, has finally been set…

Before nine innocent people were brutally murdered by self-proclaimed hatemonger Dylann Roof in Charleston, South Carolina, the co-founder of the Black Panther Party, Bobby Seale, and…

During a Monday interview with comedian Marc Maron, President Barack Obama used the n-word to drive home the point that the shunning of the word in today’s…

Entertainment News

It’s been almost a week since a gunman killed nine at the historic Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina. On Sunday, hours after the…

Protesters have been accused of defacing a Confederate statue in Charleston, South Carolina, reports the Huffington Post. The tagging was discovered over the weekend when Emanuel AME…

In the aftermath of national protests against police brutality and the shooting death of unarmed Black teen Michael Brown nearly a year ago in Ferguson, Missouri,…

As Rachel Dolezal continues to defend her identity as a Black woman, the 37-year-old is leaving even more people puzzled, recently claiming she might not be…

“Not Coming Home” is an original song by Mike de la Rocha capturing the growing movement to end state violence across America. Featuring artwork from…

Settlement reached in case of unarmed black woman killed by homeowner on his porch — Huffington Post (@HuffingtonPost) June 15, 2015 The family of…

A shooting in an Iowa Mall caused one woman to lose her life. Last night at 7 p.m. shoppers heard a gunman fire his weapon,…

A judge has supported murder charges against the police officers set to stand trial for the death of 12-year-old Tamir Rice, NBC News reports. Cleveland Municipal…