The out-of-control gun violence that has gripped Chicago hit especially close to home for President Obama. A 15-year-old girl who performed at some of President Obama’s recent inauguration events has been shot and killed in South Side Chicago. Hadiya Pendleton was shot in the back in a Chicago park after school Tuesday and died at […]

Entertainment News

President Obama’s inauguration after-party apparently featured a dance off between Young Barry and Usher Raymond, presumably Michelle Obama twirking something to “Single Ladies,” and the…

Inauguration 2013

I missed the first one.  When Barack Hussein Obama was sworn in as our first African-American president with an agenda that I believed passionately in,…

Inauguration 2013

I missed the first one. When Barack Hussein Obama was sworn in as our first African-American president with an agenda that I believed passionately in, I…

Entertainment News

Dr. Cornel West is a very intelligent black man. However, he is reaching that stage in his life where he is never satisfied. Once again,…

President Obama addressed the attendees at his first ball of the night, the Commander-in-Chief’s Ball, then shared a dance with his wife, First Lady Michelle Obama. The couple was serenaded by a Al Green’s “Let’s Stay Together,” sung by Grammy winner and fellow Chicagoan Jennifer Hudson. The couple also let two military service-people cut in […]

President Barack Obama was sworn in to his second-term today and among the many celebrities on hand to celebrate and participate was Beyonce Knowles. Watch her sing “The Star Spangled Banner” at the conclusion of the ceremonies. Get full Presidential Inauguration coverage at our sister site RELATED: Beyonce Releases New Trailer For “Life Is […]

Beyonce is already set to perform at the halftime show for this year’s Super Bowl, and now comes word she’ll also be singing the National Anthem at President Obama’s inauguration. The event will take place January 21 at the West Front of the U.S. Capitol. The inauguration takes on a special significance because it happens to […]

Entertainment News

While Hollywood may be expressing renewed interest in all things slavery (“Django: Unchained”  and “Lincoln” are in theaters now and “12 Years A Slave” will…

Whether you’re for or against legalizing marijuana, many Americans have been wondering how the Obama Administration would react to citizens in Colorado and Washington approving the legalization of pot for recreational use. In an interview with Barbara Walters, President Obama said he won’t go after Washington state and Colorado for legalizing marijuana, which remains illegal […]

President Obama visited Newtown, Connecticut last night and spoke at a memorial service for the victims of the Sandy Hook Elementary school shooting. Saying he came “to offer the love and prayers of a nation,” President Obama opened his remarks by thanking local officials and quoting the Bible: “Scripture tells us, ‘Do not lose heart. […]

An emotional President Obama shed tears as he addressed the nation from the White House over the tragic school shooting in Connecticut that left 27 people dead, 20 of them children. “Our hearts are broken today,” said President Obama. While he said today was not the day for a discusson on gun control, he mentioned […]