It’s that time of the year again. All of the real housewives are sharpening their knives, ironing extra linens for their guest bedrooms and putting together their holiday menus. You, however, are the Anti-Housewife. You are preparing for Thanksgiving by thanking God that you survived another year of botched meals without burning down your poor […]


This Friday (Nov. 22) Reec of Hot 107.9 and Positive American Youth, AKA PAYUSA, donated in part and helped to distribute Thanksgiving themed grocery baskets to parents and families of the students at H. E. Holmes Elementary School. This effort was in part of an initiative put on by Ms Dedra Cochran, Communities in Schools Senior Site Coordinator, to […]

It’s that time of the year again. All of the real housewives are sharpening their knives, ironing extra linens for their guest bedrooms and putting…