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Personally, we’ve never gotten sick while watching a movie, but we know plenty of people who have had adverse reactions to certain films.

Our friends over at Moviefone recently posted a list of seven flicks that made audiences sick, and we aren’t really surprised at any of the films that made their list!

1. The Passion of The Christ

In 2004, ‘The Passion of the Christ’ shocked audiences with its graphic depiction of the crucifixion, a sequence which was later attributed as the direct cause of at least two fatal heart attacks suffered by audience members. Mel Gibson’s follow-up, ‘Apocalypto,’ tanked at the box office — and had correspondingly fewer fatalities.

2. Avatar

Everyone knows that James Cameron’s ‘Avatar’ killed at the box office, but you may be surprised to find out that it did so in a very literal way: A 42-year-old Korean man fell ill while watching the 3-D epic and later died. His doctor’s official verdict? “Over-excitement from watching the movie triggered his symptoms.” An unfortunate footnote for the biggest smash in Hollywood history.

3. The Exorcist

When Warner Bros. released ‘The Exorcist’ in 1973, they got a little more than they bargained for: A film that rewrote the entire concept of horror movies, a blockbuster box office smash that continues to earn them money to this day and, lastly, an unusual lawsuit from a moviegoer. His claim? ‘The Exorcist’ was so scary he fainted — and broke his jaw when he fell onto the seat in front of him. The suit was settled out of court, but may help explain why theaters began showing the movie with preventative measures, including ‘Exorcist’ barf bags, close at hand.

Read the rest of the list at!

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