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“The world needs more Nelson Mandelas because I think that’s what he would want. He would want people to recognize that power. When you are aware of your environment and who you are as a person and how you effect other people, that is equivalent to your power.” -Pharrell Williams

“Nelson Mandela is a really great guy, who had more dignity than I would have had if I spent 27 years in prison.”-Whoopi Goldberg

“It’s been my honor to know Nelson Mandela.”

-General Colin Powell Colin’s powerful story will move you.

“I hope more young people learn about Mandela. It’s important to know the elements of our history–know when we’ve been inhumane to one another, know when people have fought that inhumanity and fought for it…the world will never forget Nelson Mandela.” -John Legend

“Nelson Mandela is one of our heroes. For him to come out of prison after all of that tie and put the betterment and welfare of the people in front of his emotions or personal feelings, that took a lot of sacrifice.” -Sean Combs

Madiba: The Life Of Nelson Mandela
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Nelson Mandela Tribute Series: Celebs & Dignitaries Inspired By Mandela [VIDEOS]  was originally published on

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