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 While juggling marriage, a new baby and an Emmy Award winning journalism career, Mara  Schiavocampo struggled with her weight. At one point she tipped the scale at 230 pounds. 

After reaching that particular milestone, Schiavocampo stumbled upon a “magic formula that melted the pounds away.” She chronicles her weight loss journey in her new book “THINspired” and joined Roland Martin Monday on “NewsOne Now” to discuss how she lost 90 pounds.

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I had struggled with my weight for my entire life, but I kind of settled into a place where I was ok being a size 14, I felt good about myself,”said Schiavacampo.

She continued, “I took a lot of pride being a woman at a size 14 on television, because I wanted to reflect that segment of the population which frankly we don’t see a lot of on television.”

The Emmy Award winning journalist told Martin she was comfortable with her weight until she gained 40 pounds in pregnancy, “That was something that I was uncomfortable with, I wasn’t comfortable in my skin.”

“The day I got back from the hospital from having my daughter I set out on this journey to lose the baby weight and in that process I learned so much about weight loss that I said to myself, ‘Why don’t you see if you can loose three more pounds and three more and three more all the way down to 190.”

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After Schiavocampo lost the weight she came up with her “magic formula” on how she was directing her efforts towards weight loss.

Mara’s Magic Formula:

  • 70% Food
  • 10% Exercise 
  • 10% Planning
  • 10% Sleep

Total of 100% Weight Loss and Fabulosity

Listen to Martin and Schiavacampo discuss her new book “THINspired” and “Mara’s Magic Formula” for weight loss so you too can find peace and freedom from the constant mental torment brought on by food and start your journey to a healthy and effortless way of life. For the rest of your life.

Be sure to watch “NewsOne Now” with Roland Martin, weekdays at 9 a.m. EST on TV One.

Subscribe to the “NewsOne Now” Audio Podcast on iTunes.

Fit!Live!Win!: Get ‘THINspired’ And Learn The Secret Formula For Weight Loss  was originally published on