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A Snake In A Newly Bought Couch:


Well, it was newly bought…but not new at all. A Michigan woman purchased a second-hand couch from Craigslist and got quite the surprise when she found a slithering python chilling in the folds of the furniture. Holly Wright said she cleaned the couch and didn’t notice the reptile, but believes lack of food is what prompted it to come out. “It didn’t really react or hiss … It was quite cold in the room, there was no food for the snake and I think it came out of the couch because it was dying,” she said. The snake died before she could get help for it…and yes, they gave it a proper burial. As for the couch, well it’s right on the curb waiting for trash pick-up…in case you’re interested in that type of thing.

A Frog In Salad:

Lay off those salads to keep you healthy in the new year. You may end up with something even worse than a pudgy belly. Like…salmonella perhaps? In December 2013, a Pret A Manger sandwich shop in Manhattan came under fire after a woman found a small dead frog in her salad. The woman’s coworker, an editor for the Wall Street Journal, posted the above photo of the dead amphibian on Instagram, which garnered a lot of dry gags, ewws and WTF’s. And of course, corporate isn’t sure how the little critter found his way next to the hard-boiled eggs and arugula.

14 Times People Found Things In Places They Didn’t Belong (LIST)  was originally published on

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