Michael Jackson really wanted to be in Star Wars: The Phantom Menace, and the film’s director, George Lucas really considered him for the role. Ahmed Best (who…

On Friday January 20, 2012 George Luca’s passion project, Red Tails, was released in theaters and is now available on DVD. After years of lobbying…

On Friday January 20, 2012 George Luca’s passion project, Red Tails, will finally be in theaters. After years of lobbying in Hollywood to get a feature film made about the Tuskegee Airmen, the director and producer financed the project with his own money. Where The Red Tails Worked And Played Overseas Tapping director Anthony Hemingway (“The […]

Red Tails executive producer George Lucas had nothing but good intentions by getting this movie made, but he admits that he has unintentionally put Black filmmakers in jeopardy. He financed Red Tails with his own money because he could not get a studio in Hollywood to pick it up. Red Tails cost $58 million to […]