When you stop chasing the wrong things you give the right things a chance to catch you. ~Lolly Daskal Remember, the things you have, the money you make and the people you attract into your life all have to do with where you place your attention. Progress requires you to focus on a solution, not […]


You gotta grind to be great. – MT Collins Wishful thinking does not produce success but hard work and faith do. It is important focus on what you want but even more critical to have a plan. Don’t just sit around waiting for something to happen. Remember, you gotta grind to be great!


The first step to fixing a problem is realizing that one exists. -Author Unknown Sometimes PRIDE is the only thing that’s stopping you from moving forward. Don’t let pride prevent your progress. Be humble, admit your mistakes and stay focused on becoming a better person.  


Feed your seed. – MT Collins Every dream is a seed that requires faith and hard work. Don’t just wish for something, take action to make it happen. If you want your dream to grow, feed your seed daily!


“When eating a fruit, think of the person who planted the tree.” – Anon Many of the things we enjoy in life are because of someone else’s sacrifice. No matter how successful you are, always try to remember and show appreciation for the people who paved the way. This includes the people who marched, protested […]


“When you fight fire with fire, you end up with ashes.” – Author Unknown You can’t control what people do but you can control how you react. Remember, one act of anger can ruin your entire life.There are countless people who are dead or in prison because they acted out of anger. If you’re mad […]


“Patience attains everything it strives for.” -Anon It’s natural to feel anxious about something you really want, but it’s still important to be patience. Instead of being nervous about what the future holds, relax and trust that everything will work out the way you want it to. Whether you’re trying to lose weight, finish school, […]


“Envy is the art of counting someone else’s blessings instead of your own.” ~Harold Coffin Jealousy is a set back because it distracts you from focusing on yourself. There’s no need to be jealous because you can have the same success that you admire in others. Instead of focusing on what someone else has, give […]


“Every GREAT achievement was once considered impossible.” – Author Uknown Sometimes we’re afraid to want something because we think its unattainable. However, no dream is too big. The most amazing wonders in the world all started with an idea. You are no different that the person who created the things you admire. So, no matter […]


“Let love in…” – MT Collins Sometimes the sadness you experience is a result of your own doing. Remember, when you put up a wall to prevent someone from hurting you, you are always blocking love from coming in. Don’t let a broken heart or past mistakes prevent you from having something better. Instead, have […]


“The older you get, the more you realize that the only things you regret are the things you didn’t do…”- Author Unknown You only live once but if you do it right, once is enough. It is better to take a chance than live with the pain of regret. From pursuing your interests to asking […]


With the latest developments of the Ebola crisis in the U.S., there has been widespread panic leaving many frightful (and paranoid) about more people contracting the disease. Personally, I’ve been keeping myself updated on the latest developments. I’m also trying to remain optimistic that the people infected with the virus will get the help they […]