You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take. –Wayne Gretzky Regret hurts worse than failure because you’ll always be stuck with “what if.” Remember, fear is the enemy of success. Don’t be intimidated. You miss 100 percent of the shots you don’t take, be bold and GO for it!


If you’re tired of starting over, stop giving up. – Author Unknown None of us are guaranteed success but we are ALL guaranteed to fail if we quit. Winning is a matter of holding on, even when you want to let go. No matter how hard things get, you’ll always have a chance as long […]


Those who say it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it – Chinese Proverb In life you’re gonna came across “naysayers,” people who try to convince you that your dreams are out of reach. However, the key to success is to surround yourself with people who tell you that you CAN, not […]


“When you stop making excuses, you’ll start seeing results…” – Author Unknown Accomplishing your goals depends on your desire and commitment to make them happen. If you want something bad enough, you’ll do whatever it takes to get it! Remember, to be successful, you must replace your doubt with faith and your laziness with hard […]


Wisdom is knowing which bridges to cross and which ones to burn. – Anon Growth has a lot to do with your environment. This is why you should embrace the things that build you up and release the things that bring you down. Wisdom is knowing which bridges to cross and which ones to burn. […]


Life is short, don’t waste it trying to live someone else’s life. – Steve Jobs One of the biggest mistakes you can make is comparing your life to someone else’s. Remember, everyone is unique and capable of being successful. Don’t waste time trying to be someone you’re not. Instead, embrace the things that make you […]


Life is the sum of all your choices. ~Albert Camus Everything you have and everything you don’t have is directly related to the choices you make. Remember, good choices reap benefits, bad choices produce consequences. Life is the sum of all your choices. Hold on to the things that add value and remove the things […]


“Someday” is not a day of the week. – Author Unknown Stop delaying your dream waiting for “eventually” to come. The more you find excuses the less likely you’ll achieve your goal. Instead of procrastinating, just do it. Not later, not tomorrow, but right now! Remember, if YOU don’t seize the moment, someone else will…


Success without honor is like an unseasoned dish. It may satisfy your hunger, but it won’t taste good – J. Paterno You should never compromise your morals just to get ahead. Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it. Remember, integrity is priceless. Real success is achieved with […]


Slow down and everything you are chasing will come around and catch you. ~John De Paola Sometimes progress requires patience and when you slow down, the things you’re chasing eventually catch up to you. So, do your best to relax and try not to stress out about the things you can’t control.


“The key to success is to focus your mind on things that inspire joy, and off the things that cause pain.” – M.Collins You wouldn’t know you had haters if you weren’t looking behind you. Some people just have negative attitude, but don’t let them distract you. Stay focused and leave these people where they […]


“The effort you give will determine the results you achieve.” – Denis Waitley Things worth having don’t come easy. It’s all a matter of how hard you’re willing to work for what you want. Mediocre effort produces mediocre results. However, when you push yourself, and dig into your potential, the outcome is so much more […]