When a man proposes to the woman he loves, does the size of the engagement ring he whips out really matter that much? “The Rickey Smiley Morning Show‘s” relationship expert, Spirit joins a rigorous debate with the cast about the significance of ring sizes.    Sign Up For Our Newsletter! Is a large ring size an indicator of large […]

Congratulations are in order for Kid Ink, who just got engaged to longtime girlfriend Asiah Azante. The 29-year-old rapper proposed a month ago while touring overseas. He…

Entertainment News

Carol Maraj, Mother of Nicki Minaj, Says Rapper is NOT Engaged! It seems for whatever reason it appears that Nicki Minaj is not telling the…


Lil Scrappy and Erica give a revealing interview about their relationship and Scrappy explains why he “put a ring on it.” For Scrappy though, the decision to put a ring on Erica’s finger appears to be a continuation of his effort to live life in a very grown man type of way. “It was time […]


Brandy is ready to settle down and she’s not afraid to let you or her boyfriend know. Brandy is in a serious relationship with record exec, Ryan Press and seems not to understand what’s taking him so long to pop the “question.” During an interview with Ebony Magazine, Brandy said: “I wish we were engaged. […]

Sweet Brown made the phrase “Ain’t nobody got time for dat!” famous, and now Ebony Steele is talking about how a fiance without an engagement…

After winning his fifth NBA title last night, a reporter asked the Los Angeles Lakers MVP what the championship meant to him "individually" and he replied, "I've got one more than Shaq." The room erupted in laughter but Bryant followed up with,"You can take that to the bank. You guys know me. I don't forget anything."