Have you noticed your skin looking less than its best? You might want to get your mind and emotions in check to regain that familiar…

There are some simple facts and misconceptions that people are unaware of when it comes to taking care of their skin. We chatted with the…

Getting rid of scars, especially when it comes to darker skin types, can be a challenge. However, it’s still possible to remove those stubborn scars.…

There are simple natural ways to remove acne scars. The appearance of acne starts during puberty when the body actively produces hormones that causes too much sebum in the skin. The scars are often embarrassing and emotionally disturbing to many adults. How Being Happy Lowers Your Chance Of Having A Stroke When we are younger […]

As far as treating sunburns are concerned, prevention is the best cure, as treatment may take a longer period in completely getting rid of it. Most of the sunburns are first degree burns that are the affected skin is only red and painful, which can be easily treated with home remedies. However, there are certain […]

Does your skin immediately sting or turn red when you apply makeup or skin care products? If yes, then you have sensitive skin. In many cases,  the ingredients *sulfates and *parabens are the reasons why your skin reacts so negatively. Is it too much to ask for a beauty product that won’t cause you unbearable discomfort when applied? For a time it was, but some well-known and […]

Acne treatment products litter hundreds of store shelves in the hopes that one will be chosen to cure you of this embarrassing affliction – an affliction that’s followed you from your teenage years into adulthood. Because June is dubbed National Acne Awareness Month, know that you aren’t alone in your search for all sorts of solutions dermatologist-prescribed or over-the-counter acne products that positively impact your complexion. Preventative treatments like Zeno Heat Treat […]