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RJ: Law enforcement. Or I’ve been thinking about an attorney, becoming an attorney. You never know.

RS: I’m sure this case right here is definitely an inspiration. You know?

ES: Right.

RS: We have, uh, what’s your attorney, uh …

ES: Oh, we got Rod Vereen on the phone. Hello, Rod.

RS: Rod, good morning.

ROD VEREEN: Good morning.

RS: Hey, what up Dog T? You good?

RV: Yeah, what’s happening?

RS: (Woof, woof) Hey, so what’s next for the, you know, what are we trying to change? The laws? Or, you know, trying to change the law. What’s the next step for everybody?

RV: Well Rickey, here’s the situation, there are about 30 states that have the stand your ground statute on the books that permits individuals to claim self-defense in situations normally where they would not be able to. There’s always been a castle doctrine in the State of Florida, meaning that a person does not have to retreat inside their own home. Because the statute got so rampant across the nation, several states decided to have a statute that allowed an individual, probably in the streets, to have the same type of defense that they would have in their home. Like, for instance, you’re sitting in a restaurant and you are accosted by an individual, you don’t have to, you know, even if you have a real clear chance to get away, the law now says that you don’t have to run from this person. You can stand right there and fight, you know, violence with violence, and you know, the statutes have tried, most of them are written in a way that they do not, uh, tell you the level of violence that you’re allowed to use in order to defend yourself. They just said you figure it in reason to save your life you can use deadly force, okay?

RS: So there’s no clear understanding?

RV: No clear understanding. If they, in this application, and that’s where I think a lot of people, when we talk about it, you know, while the stand your ground appears on its face to be a good statute, when you look at its application. It’s not. It’s vague. And that’s a problem that we’re having with the statute. And the government doesn’t want to change it. Al Sharpton and the coalition, they will be on their way, they’re going across the country to get to Washington, D.C., to try to fight and get this statute either modified or just struck down in its totality. So that’s how we’re going to continue this fight for Trayvon Martin.

SPECIAL K: Okay, Attorney Vereen, we’re talking to Rachel Jeanteal, and her attorney Rod Vereen, Attorney Vereen, this is coming in special, let me ask you a question; as an attorney, how does it make you feel with Juror B37 coming out and saying all the things she’s been saying on CNN. How does it make you feel knowing that the jury just completely disregarded Rachel’s testimony as being the last person who spoke to Trayvon making her, I guess you would call it an ear witness to the situation.

RV: Well, you know, as a person on the outside of the jury deliberation room you don’t get an opportunity to hear what’s going on inside. But when the Juror opened her mouth and started talking about what they thought about what they said in the deliberation it gives you a better view and a better glimpse of what they did and did not do. When you talk about second degree murder you’re talking about ill will, spite, evil intent. How can you go over that statute talking to yourself about that knowledge and not just discussing the issue concerning evil intent, motive and a depraved mind? So I was flabbergasted, she said, oh, Rachel never even came up. That means you did not deliberate.

RS: Dog, she said all, all of those little racial undertone, those people.

RV: Yeah, you know, and then when they said that they just completely disregarded what she said, we found her un-credible and we felt sorry for her because she didn’t want to be there. But that’s not what you’re there to do. You are there to listen to the testimony. Okay? And decide whether or not the testimony or not should, now Rachel’s testimony wasn’t clear because she was the only witness that can testify as to what took place.

RS: She said, Dog she said on the stand and made it very clear that Trayvon Martin felt threatened and scared and was walking away. And was trying to get away from George Zimmerman.

RV: Yeah.

RS: I tell you man, I think it’s the new Emmett Till, or whatever, and it’s going to get a civil rights movement started to change the laws, but like I tell everybody, when it come down to the end of the day, if we don’t go out and vote during midterm election, because when you put these judges on the bench and they do all these redistricting that they do, it just messes it up for everybody and this is a result of not going out voting during the midterm election.

RV: I agree. I agree. That’s one of the things I think everybody needs to do, everybody that’s qualified to register to vote should do that. And I can’t understand how you can be a citizen of this country and not exercise your right to vote.

RS: Hey, Rachael, you know what we want to do for you. Dog T, you got my number, right?

RV: Yes, sir.

RS: All right, Dog. Hit me up, let me know what day Rachel want to come up, we’re going to fly her up, and we’re going to take her out.

ES: We’re going to get you ready for school. And we’re going to spend some time. Let me tell you one of the things people did not do to me. They just automatically looked at Rachel and never asked, you know, they said, you know, the way she talks or speaks, or whatever they had to say, but never said, what do you feel? What do you want to do? Besides this case, who are you? And Rachel, I want to tell you personally, that I want to get to know who you are. I want you to come here, I want us to talk. I would like to mentor you, and let’s talk about going to school, changing your life, doing things, let’s find out. And one of my favorite quotes is never to be bullied into silence. Don’t allow yourself to be a victim and accept no one’s definition of your life but define yourself. So I’d love to have the opportunity to work with you. Because the only difference between …

Rachel Jeantel Explains What Trayvon Martin Was Really Like [EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW]  was originally published on

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