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You No Longer Thinking For Yourself

When I was a kid, I took a certain amount of pride in knowing how to speak correct English and write with cohesion. Those abilities are now defunct and unnecessary due to the fact that your smartphone refuses to let you make any mistakes. In fact, it takes more work to disable the auto-correct in order to misspell things than it does to think about proper grammar. Sometimes my children text me and my first response is pointing out all the words they spelled wrong. The sad part is that I know their devices have auto-correct, which makes it that much worse. At this rate, spelling errors on homework will be a thing of the past, even if the teachers know that their students aren’t that bright.

Pick a random teenager and start this sentence: “i before e except after…” and watch their response be something like “after 2:20, ’cause that’s when school get out!” A couple of months ago I met a child who had no idea that “y” is sometimes a vowel. A piece of my soul died during that conversation.

7 Reasons Why Your Smartphone Is Not Your Friend  was originally published on

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