
Civil Rights attorney Benjamin Crump introduced Stephon Clark's mother and grandmother to an audience at the NAN convention.

With J Cole’s latest album “KOD” on the horizon, we decided why not listen to a few of his essential records that have blessed our ears over the years. If you’ve been under a rock and missed out on his past albums this is the perfect place to catch up with the wave. Listen to this […]

World leaders, politicians and supporters expressed their sympathy after matriarch Barbara Bush died on Tuesday. She was 92 years old.

After the unwarranted arrest of two Black men, the coffee company is having a racial-bias education program.

A new poll shows some disturbing misconceptions among young people.

Starbucks will close more than 8,000 stores in the United States for an afternoon of racial bias training.

Sina Rambo is a Nigerian native but has been back and forth from Atlanta to Nigeria where he has been preparing his project, today he released ‘Baba Sina Rambo’ a single featuring Afrobeat Pop Star Olamide. The HKN Gang artist is set to make more appearances in the states this summer but has released this […]

A Black, female Starbucks executive is speaking out on racial profiling as another location comes under fire for discrimination. After the CEO of Starbucks has issued a statement and a video apologizing and taking responsibility for an incident where two Black men were arrested at a Philadelphia Starbuck while waiting for a friend, the Chief […]