Entertainment News

Guess who’s back. No, I’m not talking about Jay-Z. And not Kanye, either. I’m talking about America’s favorite snack manufacturer, Hostess! So those of you…

A new study shows that if you reach for snacks with your weaker, less dominant hand, you’ll snack up to 30% less. “But I’m ambidextrous!” you say. Then this study isn’t for you! The researchers conducted the study using fresh and week-old (ew) popcorn.  The purpose was to measure how automatic snacking is for some […]

Americans have gotten a lot of flack over the years for being supersized, but our high rates of obesity may not be for the reasons we thought after all.Sure we eat too much, but it’s not how much we’re eating in one sitting, it’s what we’re eating throughout the day. According to a new study published […]