Entertainment News

Family attorney Benjamin Crump released the following statement from Michael Brown, Sr. and Lesley McSpadden, parents of Michael Brown, Jr. Brown Family Statement: “We are…

Governor Jay Nixon issued a state of emergency for Missouri leaving people to believe Mike Brown will not receive justice. Listen to Jeff Johnson discuss the signs that…

This powerful video above shows Ferguson residents and business owners preparing for the Darren Wilson decision. Over the weekend in St. Louis, Missouri, a couple…

Entertainment News

The Ferguson Police Department has already determined its next steps as the world waits for a verdict from the grand jury in Darren Wilson’s case.…

  With Ferguson still in a state of unrest, Rick Ross and Yo Gotti do their part to make sure people never forget. In the…

We could be days away from finding out if Darren Wilson, the officer who killed unarmed teen Mike Brown, will be indicted. But Jeff Johnson says even…

Brown's parents Lesley McSpadden and Michael Brown Sr. remain on the mission to seek justice...and on behalf of their son, they've taken their cause internationally as they delivered a 13-page oration to the United Nations Committee Against Torture in Geneva, Switzerland on "global intervention".

Entertainment News

The New York Daily News is reporting that Michael Brown’s mother Lesley McSpadden could face felony armed robbery charges for allegedly attacked people (who we…

Internet activist group Anonymous sparked the worldwide (481 cities) “Million Mask March” event and on November 5th, several protestors gathered around the world. Anonymous is a…

If you cared about Ferguson and the murder of Mike Brown, Roland Martin says you should care about today’s election. Martin discusses how your vote…

As we all intensely await the Ferguson shooting grand jury’s decision on whether or not Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson will be criminally charged for…

18-year-old Vonderrit Myers  (although some media is reporting his name was Vonderrick) was yet another unarmed Black teen who was shot and killed by police.…