News One Exclusives

Enitan Bereola, author of  “GENTLEWOMAN: Etiquette for a Lady, from a Gentleman,” joined Roland Martin Tuesday on “NewsOne Now” to explain why he says women are…

Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony‘s divorce just became final after three years! But J.Lo didn’t waste anytime moving on. The pop artist already dated and…

Exes do the craziest things! Some people do it out of love, others out of spite, but nevertheless some exes can take it too far. Listen…

A new study shows says middle children are least likely to be in a relationship. Listen to the audio player to find out why and which…

Believe it or not, side chicks are so popular it’s become profitable. Two professional side chick consultants joined “The Rickey Smiley Morning Show” to discuss their…

Online dating is no longer one of those scary and foreign things that people avoid like the plague. These days, 33 percent of couples have…

It’s alway some drama in Love & War, and this time a man suspects his fiancee is not only taking money from another man, but…

Is there really a “right” way to have an argument? “Massive, all-out fights are bad for you,” says Jonathan Alpert, a psychotherapist. “On the other…

Did you know there’s research that show the top names of men who cheat?  Ebony Steele did some hunting and found the top five names…

Many men feel like women can be too clingy. Hugging, kissing, texting, and calling your man all day long might be a little over the top.…

In this edition of Paternity Test Tuesday, a man asked his alleged baby mama to marry him only after she received $400,000 after her Aunt passed…