Special K is reporting Gabby Sidibe and Rick Ross have a sex tape! Listen to this edition News You Can’t Use to hear Special K describe the details of what…

Special K reports Bishop Eddie Long is a launching a summer camp program called Boys To Men. Listen to this edition of News You Can’t Use in the audio…

The LGBT community can be sensitive to certain language used to describe their sexuality. For this reason, Special K is giving us a run down of unacceptable…

Special K reports Hallmark released a new line of cards made specially for side chicks just in time for Valentine’s day. Listen to this edition of News…

Since it’s Black History Month, Special K feels it’s his responsibility to highlight those who made huge contributions to our history. Listen to the audio…

Special K reports Atlanta rappers Shawty Lo, Killer Mike, and Gorilla Zoe were actually happy about the snowstorm fiasco that took place. Listen to News You Can’t…

Special K is revealing some celebrity Grammy confessions that recently came out. Listen to News You Can’t Use in the audio player to hear some shocking confessions from people…

Special K reports Gabby Sidibe  could have retraining orders put against her by “Hunger Games” director, Gary Ross. Odd news, but listen to this edition News You Can’t…

Following in the footsteps of Jay Z and Kanye West‘s “Watch The Throne Tour, ” Special K reports there will be a new tour for all the…

Special K is switching things up and hosting a round of Gay Jeopardy. The contestants include our own Gary With Da Tea and a random…

Special K is reporting since Kevin Hart’s new movie “Ride Along” did so well in the box offices, he decided to celebrate his success with a…

Special K was supposed to give today’s News You Can’t Use, but instead decided to call out Rickey Smiley for not showing him love on his comedy…