
Robert Bivines, 37, was denied bail on Tuesday in the fatal shooting of Ryan Thornton, a 30-year-old Morehouse graduate.

Jill Scott is going through a messy divorce and is trying to escape to seek peace.

Here 15 facts about Malcolm X, who championed Black human rights in the United States.

There is lasting uncertainty over the actual culprits behind Malcolm X's killing, which took place 53 years ago.

Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School are still mourning the seventeen people that passed away after gunman, Nikolas Cruz shot them.

Law school is very expensive and for some people even though that’s their dream aren’t willing to pay or can’t afford to.

Fergie made headlines after failing to sing the national anthem at the NBA- All Star Game.

Marijuana Investments Up Nearly 600% From Last Year If you were ever thinking about investing in the Marijuana, you should consider planting those seeds now seeing as Cannabis industry saw a return of almost $1.23 billion in just the month of January. This number outlines a nearly 600 percent growth from the same time last […]