
Utah Republican Congresswoman Mia Love accused Democrats of racism.

Rod Rosenstein awaits President Trump's decision on whether to fire him.

Michelle Obama appeared at her first voter registration rally of the 2018 midterm election season.


Google launched Tech Exchange as an avenue to increase racial representation within the realm of tech.


Elton Brand has become the fourth Black general manager in the NBA.


Black tech entrepreneur Silas Adekunle is on his way to becoming the highest paid robotics engineer in the world.

Trump-back candidate Scott Wagner refused to apologize for using coded racist language.

Recent polls reveal how Black candidates are doing a few key races.

Rep. Ron DeSantis distanced himself from his racist donor but not the donor's money.

Reec Treats the City has been a hit with multiple communities. Reec has teamed up with Positive American Youth and Wendy’s to provide free cook outs around metro Atlanta this summer and fall. This past event was carnival themed with cotton candy, popcorn, horse ride (Courtesy of Brannu Horses) and of course free food! Kenyatta […]